Bobby Cannavale as Tony Hogburn, a former American football tight end struggling with his drug addiction. Regina Hall as Carmel Schneider, a single mother whose husband left her for a younger woman. Zoe Terakes as Glory, another employee at Tranquillum House. Grace Van Patten as Zoe Marconi, Napoleon and Heather's daughter, grieving the death of her twin brother. Manny Jacinto as Yao, Masha's right-hand man at Tranquillum House. Tiffany Boone as Delilah, a devoted employee at Tranquillum House. Melvin Gregg as Ben Chandler, Jessica's wealthy lottery winner husband. Asher Keddie as Heather Marconi, Napoleon's wife and Zoe's mother, mourning the death of her son. Samara Weaving as Jessica Chandler, a social media influencer and Ben's wife. Luke Evans as Lars Lee, a man who comes to the resort with a hidden agenda. Michael Shannon as Napoleon Marconi, Heather's husband and Zoe's father, a high school teacher grieving the death of his son. #Perfect stranger movie imdb professional
Melissa McCarthy as Frances Welty, a novelist struggling with her professional and personal life. Nicole Kidman as Masha Dmitrichenko, the founder of a wellness resort called Tranquillum House. The resort is not what it seems to be, and the guests are about to discover many secrets about each other and the resort's host Masha.Ĭast and characters Main Nine strangers from the city gather for a 10-day retreat at Tranquillum House, a health and wellness resort in the fictional town of Cabrillo, California, which promises to transform and heal the guests who stay there.